3 Great Products Heading into Spring

It might not always seem obvious but the kind of branded promotional products you choose from you marketing campaign are often dictated by the seasons. Whilst there are some products which are in use all year round there are others which more popular at certain times of the year. Here we look at 3 great products heading into spring. Hopefully they will help you understand what’s hot and what’s not.


Cover up with straw hats

They might not seem like the quintessential spring branded promotional products but straw hats certainly are just that. Whilst you might not go to the beach for a swim in spring you can go for a walk. Indeed spring is when people begin to spend more time outdoors. So having something to cover up with is always a good item.

So taking that into account custom straw hats are a great idea. From a marketing perspective they are an excellent branded promotional product. You can branded the hat band with your logo and it looks great. any one who receive one will surely use it whilst out and about or doing the gardening. They will love you for it.

Keep your car cool and pleasant to drive

The same applies with cars. Whilst they may not heat up as fast as they do in summer car can get rather warm anyway. That is why promotional car sun shades are such a good idea. Besides a marketing campaign started in spring can spread into summer. So with car sun shades you have something which transcend seasons.

Again people tend to start going on more excursions during spring so something like promotional car sun shades is a good idea. They will take them with them where ever they go and your logo will subsequently be on display. So if you ask me car sun shades are a brilliant idea no matter what the season.

A year round branded promotional product for spring

Then there are those products which are great all year round. With promotional mugs there is no season that they are not considered great branded promotional products. Although they probably sell better in winter coffee mugs are still in demand during every season. That is probably because people drink coffee through out the year.

The benefit of promotional mugs as a branded item is that they are very visible. People use them in the office, at home and  everywhere in between. You also have the travel mugs variety which can be used on the go. So there use as a promotional item is clear.

Promote your brand this sprint

So with these 3 great products heading into spring and more you have no excuses not to promote your brand. Branded promotional products are a great way to promote your business or branded so make sure to get some now.