2 Personalised Merchandise Items You Should Be Using

One of the greatest joys in marketing is seeing a person’s face light up when you give them a promotional gift. The same feeling is felt by staff when you give them something which they need and can use in their work life. That is why it is important to keep stock of personalised merchandise so that you have things to spread the joy. Here we look at 2 personalised merchandise items you should be stocking right now.

You can’t go wrong with promotional mugs

If there is one think that is true in promo it is that promotional mugs are always a welcome item. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want one and everyone sure as heck needs promotional mugs. No matter how many you get you end up needing another. Sometime they get broken. Other times they get “borrowed” and never returned. Either way you can alway do with a spare in the event you need it.

Branded mugs look great with your logo

The other great think about branded mugs is that they look great printed with a logo. There are also so many styles available that you are sure to find on that tickles your fancy. There are branded mugs large and small and everything in between. So if you think about it, it is a no-brainer. As a personalised merchandise item you can’t go wrong.

Every office needs branded lanyards

Brand recognition all everything these days. Even in your office environment it is important to make your brand stand out. What better way to do it than with a branded lanyard? Branded lanyards are probably the most inexpensive and far reaching promotional product out there. With so many colours and material option branded lanyards are an effective marketing and branding tool.

The other think is that having them in stock means they are available to you when ever you have visitors or events. It is so nice to be able to give someone a small gift when they visit your office. Having branded lanyards on hand will help heaps with that.

No more excuse when it comes to personalised merchandise

So there you have 2 personalised merchandise items you should be stocking in your office right now. Contact someone with the expertise like Brand Republic. It will be the best decision you ever made hands down!